Friday, March 31, 2017


I met with someone who was as inspirational to me as (I think) I was to her. She reminded me of how meaningful my knowledge and ideas are. I can't wait to re-start Infobility with speeches at locations that are not companies. I will have a current list of programs as well as the opportunities to meet new people, glamorize my website a bit, and make money for Team River Runner. My work will be meaningful and may lead me to something paid; even if I monetize it. She mentioned how mundane things I do are interesting like put a watch on the joystick rather than my wrist. I will eventually implement "Shopping on Wheels" and "Survivor; Wheelchair Edition" and "Veterans Venues." My plans are endless; 50 will be nifty!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Rec Fest 1st Annual Event

I was in Hershey and took a bunch of flyers on an event this Saturday. I wasn't sure it would be that big a deal since most of the programs that are brand new take time to gain traction. However, this one is presented by Penn State Hospital in a local Campus so that will certainly help with generating interest. I was told that 100+ people have signed up. Although it remains to be seen who shows I am convinced that it will be a really meaningful experience. I am always interested in the vendors who attend and I'm sure there will be many groups to generate Team River Runner interest. They will mostly be local and it will be a closer location than the one in Raritan New Jersey. I am glad to participate on a yearly basis in this; it was tried unsuccessfully by local non profit organizations. I will have a plethora of new contacts to cultivate who are exactly in our wheelhouse.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Doing what's unfamiliar

I volunteered to interview six staff in an accounting company in order to determine a prestigious ethics in business award. I knew it would be a brand new experience that was completely out of my comfort zone. I was afraid of hindering the company's chances of winning since I knew my ability to take good notes and ask appropriate questions was going to be foreign to me. I kept coming up with reasons to cancel (missing a SHRM meeting, fragile fingers, out of my element, etc.) but the entire time a little voice in head insisted that I attend. I am glad I did and I'm glad- well mostly). The interview I conducted was a collaborative effort by the entire group and I am not the only one writing a report. Furthermore, the final report will be a single collaborative effort by all the entire group. I will now use this experience as the example of the importance of tenacity. Sure I had a humiliating experience in October when the entire panel was a "no show." However, I have now chosen to travel a different route with the same message and a different kind of audience. May 9th I'm giving a big talk to human resource professionals but it will be fine since I know what the issue was (relying on strangers) and my own confidence.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Good wins in the end

I really wanted a veteran to receive my furniture and extra things. After 3 calls I finally got a local agency called "Off the Streets" to come specially and pick up the bed. The guy called and my pleading encouraged the guy to borrow a small pick up truck and pick up the bed. I can't believe how many destitute people wanted it. The futon went to a Navy man who works at a restaurant that offers good fundraising opportunities for non-profits and he may know people who would help with my veterans awareness play. If I had done all of this quicker I wouldn't have met the person. Grandma's blanket went to a friend- a special item adopted by a special person. Good definitely wins in the end.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Public Bathrooms

A local agency is actually pursuing options and finances- who would have thought? ADA has "mandated" that they all include 1 stall that is twice as big. Many include 1 that is 1/2 a size bigger. I just listened to an agency that has plans to either designate a bathroom downtown that has a few adaptive toileting options. Problems addressed included vandalism, approval, and money. People in the audience came up with a few solutions including a key entry so it's locked unless it's being used by those who need it and a mobile site which can travel to locations where the people who really need them go. That is one of the components of inclusion the decision makers did not really consider. I myself would love to travel overseas but would never be able to use a bathroom for 10 hours and that makes it impossible. The answer non-disabled give is to just use a catheter and I guess many do but I won't. Maybe I can help by locating someone rich and disable who will provide the finances.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

People who paddle

I'm always looking for a unique way to do something mundane in life - especially when it comes to exercising. The 1/2 of my body that still worked had an aversion to physical therapy. I figured that transferring to toilets and beds was enough. Then came my latest challenge- neck surgery. 1st there was arthrogryposis, then came scoliosis, now it's spinal stenosis. "osis' that rhyme? I like poetry but this triumvirate is ridiculous. Anyway, what I want usually doesn't exist so I have to create it. I have always had aversion to physical therapy so I quit doing this boring activity. I figured after all these years how I manage, is how I manage. After the surgery I was an inpatient at a rehab center. I figured this was going to be a colossal and costly waste of my time. Nonetheless I joined in and looked like every other person living in the halls. Surprise, surprise I awoke muscles that I figured left town long ago! Recently I observed the group of people who paddle and I realized this IS my kind of physical therapy and I can not wait to actually do it.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Role reversal

When the doctor becomes the patient it's an entirely new world. Even though the medical professionals are still familiar, when one's role is changed the person's world changes. Similarly, when on worked in the teaching profession there can be an incredible amount of resistance to becoming a student. We all know the importance of learning on a daily basis. We actually do take in new things every day; we just don't look at it that way. When a person is formally in the role of student there is a stigma, even more so when there's an age difference. As a person with a disability who has been in the patient role and the student role I do not think much of this flip-flop. However, it never occurred to me just how much this difference mattered to the average person. It is sad that there are such vulnerabilities; people lose their identities so quickly.