Sunday, October 2, 2016


Last night as soon as I got cleared to enter the Giant Arena in Hershey to see Carries Underwood I was asked to show my ticket so it could be scanned. The employee who did that job had an intellectual disability- wow it made me feel so good. Not only was he working in the community but 11,000+ fans saw him! That was such wonderful exposure for the disability employment movement! It was a wonderful way to start National Disability Employment Awareness Month, which is all of October. The end of the month is my own program and I will do my best to reach out to the man,his job coach,the agency,and the manager of the arena; I would love for them to speak. After I learned that Erie will be location of the Pennsylvania Disability Employment Summit I said "I would love to have a mini PADES" well, things said in gest are said best. I'm going to make some calls.

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