Friday, January 29, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels

I got a ticket to attend an event at Point Pleasant new Jersey. It's not too far but I'd be more comfortable to stay overnight. It's always a nightmare to get an accessible room and I can't remember the number of times I've been told it was fine and there was a step to enter. Many times I can't use the bathroom but that's a minor issue I deal with. I'd rather just go and find something later but that is risking it. Tolls are very costly but the interstate is best. I am always determined to do these thing then afterwards they aren't that good. Hotels are so much trouble if you do not walk at all. However, it always works out in the end.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wheeeling with new wheels

This morning the revivlal of Vocational Venues, my old disability & employment program came together. I have been taking bits and pieces of Infobility but I knew that employers (and kids) need to be my target- not consumers. All kinds of money is going into job placements but employers are largely overlooked. How can an applicant with a disability secure employment if employers won't consider them? Education seems to be on a case by case basis once a job developer finds someone at a community meeting or a consumer expresses interest. WHAT? I used a sales book with statistics, and pictures of successful placements.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels

Well, the parking situation isn't that good, considering I need either an end or two spots. I just discovered that it will not get plowed again- only 1 place is good for me. Oh well, other places need the plow more than we do. Yesterday I spent 1/2 a day complimenting my company and complaining about another. It's their own fault. When an apartment management company keeps taking advantage of their residents and proves repeatedly they do not care, there will eventually be revolts by their residents. It's time and I can get another company to inquire. Gosh if they only new I was behind the call to the State Representative!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels

Happy motoring has been taken to a new level. I got approval to wheel in the street since sidewalks and curb cuts are hidden by the snow. My management could not be more compitent! They didn't just plow, the cleaned the ramp, 2 driveways and 2 parking lots. Instead of complaining I am solving problems right and left. Other people in wheelchairs should spend as much time as much time solving their problems as they do complaining about them.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels

What a difference a day makes! I went to my usual monthly LINK Meeting comprised of local agencies. One speaker covered homelessness (purpose of fundraiser) the other speaker was a home health care agency who seemed receptive to my projects. Years ago I was hoping to connect with one and share "Tenacity of Hope" among other things. I plan to meet with them and discuss what else I can offer. I was too optimistic, as usual but perhaps that isn't a bad thing. I also distributed flyers to Verizon, Lancaster Fire Dept. (they wahed my wheels too) and Members First. Then I found a library book called "The Chilli Queen."

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels

I'm getting opportunities to grow my programs. The YWCA wants a weekly disability program and the Chamber of Commerce is interested in the employment aspect. I'm no so sure I want this to become a BIG business so that entrepreneur class is not something I will commit to just yet. The Abilities expo is something I will really benefit from and if I can be part of the Y and Chamber that will broaden my scope. I'm also really interested in reaching kids who don't care. Possibly getting someone to talk who is older and troubled in his youth.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels

The origional agency representative who I didn't think was a good match to help with the chilli challenge changed her mind and decided to help...for a week. I just got her email which said she's backing out. I knew it, my gut is usually a good judge. When I wrote her that "I was taking up too much of her time." was a nice way of cutting ties. She didn't get it so we met and she agreed to help. I called my Plan B, a veteran program, and he was more than happy to work with me right away. What a pleaseure to hear him talk about this project. The saddest part about this was that the first lady was from an agency that most people with physical disabilities use. He whole demeanor toward me was demeaning and I'm sure that some of it was due to my having a disability- that's how she treats them.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels

My chili event now has name recognition so I hope more people will attend. When I did my program in May it was better attended because Extentia lent their name. Now United Disability Service is doing the same. It is ridiculous that I am not making a dime on it but since the company is big perhaps some people will come from the agency. I am not assuming they will, so I am hoping that a local college will make it a service project since proceeds go to a local service. The restaurant also has it's regulars so hopefully that will bring in some people also. I'm doing the best I can but media will not be alerted so it's all being done "by hand."

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels

I reconnected with my childhood friend. She used to walk and it seemed like she had a lot of opportunities in her future. She was from a really broken home with no advocates to "push" her. Decades later it's no different except she gained a ton of weight, uses a wheelchair, and has attendent care. I guess I made her feel badly but I tried to subtly bring it up. She still had excuse after excuse. It is very unlikely that she would sudenly get motivated now. I can't imagine how it didn't bother her but I have learned that you can not project yourself onto another. Just cause I feel a sense of need to succeed doe not mean someone else would or should. I have to accept that.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Wheeling with new wheels- working

My next area to address, employers, is starting to come together quite well. I wasn't sure how to deal with this extremely important issue but I know that the usual "hire the handicapped" isn't getting as much attention. Money was increased for placement but the number of placements did not rise. I believe that job development should start with establishing relationships with employers. Once you have an employer who is interested in the benefits of hiring a person with a disability, there are many, the person is more likely to contact the agency when a job becomes available. If I have a simple face to face meeting similar to an informational interview then discuss financial incentives for employers, I would have an interesting topic worth listening to but as an individual within no agency behind me. I would be as positive as possible not discuss negatives such as fines for lack of enforcement, costs of reasonable accommodations, etc. I want to hear business concerns and discuss the high percentages that disabled employees receive for vocational qualities such as safety, attendance, and performance.