Wednesday, August 24, 2016


If the topic is timely, appropriate, and/or glamorous there is a higher likelihood people will come. By glamorous I mean a topic that's interesting to most people such as dieting and exercise. Disability is not an issue the public embraces rather they avoid or shy away from. The challenge is to make the topic more desirable without changing it all together. One idea is to include food, that is usually a good incentive to attract others. Another is to offer something to people or combining with an existing, program that is popular. It is easy to offer suggestions but I am forever concerned about attracting people. I believe in collaboration so I am working with a lawyer who does special needs trusts in hopes of growing both of our networks. I am also considering creating a board in which projects can be planned and each person has people they can involve in the program. This will probably be regular ongoing challenge since there are always so many programs to attend.

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