Sunday, December 18, 2016


I have already learned a lot and it's only day 7. Here are some of what I picked up thus far...1) a positive attitude is crucial; 2)if a problem has arisen and the person does not sound like they have a solution start working on one immediately; 3)do not be around negative people; 4)just cause transfers have been done a certain way for years it doesn't hurt to try a new way; 5)respect isn't always through words but by actions; 6)continuously being upset by being called a cutesy name must be ignored, otherwise you'll go crazy; 7)non medical personnel who work in a hospitals are clueless about disability; 8) it's okay to accept more help than you ever have before; 9)the best way to recover is to concentrate on other things while exercising; 10)medical professionals are sincerely interested in connecting people with my resources. Now that I'm up and moving I will concentrate one lesson each day. I'll probably have 20 before I am on my way home.

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