Monday, March 12, 2018

TRR Lancaster

Being part of our chapter as an outreach worker has given me a new angle and population on which to focus. I spent oodles of time on the traditional disability community. It's time to change my entire focus and once I do I think I'll get people from the community to become interested in my brand of awareness and empowerment. I am no longer going to swim upstream (pun intended) I will go with the flow- or current in this case. There's a lot of potential to grow the vocational among those who have fought for us and were never the ones to accept help. Now we can show that there are many ways to improve your quality of life besides traditional exercise. Just grab a kaya or raft and paddle- find friends who understand your situation, strengthen your core muscles by paddling, and relax your mind float in the river and enjoy nature. Best of all- be accepted regardless of challenge, age, finances, and support system.

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