Friday, July 27, 2018

Empowerment booklet

Since the target audience is those who have been discharged from rehabilitation centers. I will try to reach them through home healthcare agencies. My first I thought was to visit them but that would turn out to be a challenging endeavor. Instead it may be best to just email the entire booklet, include a note to please give me feedback, and then then share the booklet with clients. This way staff will better understand what I offer and hopefully realize it's something that could enhance what they do. The one concern is that the spacing will be wrong and that will make the entire booklet look bad. There is a need for this information and cannot be provided by a person who does not live with the challenge. The amputee support group leader states that he becomes unhappy when professionals do not give the individuals on support groups. I feel the same way when professionals refuse to allow me to create groups on things that are related to social work since they should be aware but do not always care. I also spoke to the man who runs the West End Market. Hopefully he will have some ideas to promote the educational booklet.

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