Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Workout and weight loss on wheels- Solutions

There is never a problem without a solution. Here are a few. One idea is to offer the topic of "education and nutrition" for peer mentors. One on one help from another person who understands the difficulties and can provide support can be helpful. A second idea is to offer strategies for people to increase their awareness of what they eat. Document what you eat daily, notice the unhealthy patterns, and consider how to change them. A third idea is to offer groups to discuss weight management and discuss the topic with a group of people, share what works best. A fourth idea is to make sure you have input regarding the shopping list. Whether it's the mother or the home manager you should have a say in the purchases; after all you must eat them. If a healthy meal takes time more time and energy than you have, try to find meals that are easier. Granted they will still be more involved than ordering a pizza but this will be worth it in the end. A fifth idea is to find out if weight gain is a side effect of a medication taken and see if there are alternate pills. A sixth idea, if you do the shopping and can't reach the higher shelves, bring someone with you or ask a store employee for help.

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