Friday, February 20, 2015

Workout and weight loss on wheels- a colorful cart & a healthy body.

Things are more appealing when they are easy on the eyes. This goes for relationships with people as well as with food. Regardless of how much we say "what is on the outside is not as important as what is on the inside," how honest actually is that? What do we really notice first? Would we actually take the time to get to learn what's on the inside if the outside wasn't pleasing? In the case of our relationships with food we are encouraged to choose fresh colorful fruits (oranges, apples, grapes) and veggies (squash carrots, lettuce). Actually health food is prettier than unhealthy food; it's only the packaging that is eye catching. How pretty is a package of raw meat covered in fat, sugared cereals, canned beans, or frozen dinners? Every time you go to the store, start by loading up on fruits and vegetables with vibrant colors. You will have a colorful cart and a healthy body.

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