Monday, October 26, 2015

Wheeling with new wheels

PennDot rules for inspection of adapted vans is that the driver goes to a place where the technicians have a special certification. It doesn't matter if the guy never drove anything with hand controls. Well, I finally found someone nearby who was going to enlist the local van installation person to drive the van. He calls and said Penndot refuuses to allow him to do that, I should go to the company who installed the controls in my van. I told him the company wasn't certified to do any inspections. I called them to check and they thought I was nuts. I called someone else who wasn't willlng to do it but told me of a company who would. I am going to Penndot personally to teach the men why their rules make no sense. They'll never have to abide by there own rules so why should they care? They don't!

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