Sunday, July 9, 2017

Squeaky wheel

"The squeaky wheel gets the grease." I was wheeling around and the noise got worse and worse. Rights and lefts became really hard to make so I eventually contacted my provider for repairs. The service man came and after evaluating the problem he said I need ball bearings, tires, and arm rests. I questioned the last suggestion and he explained that the one on the left is losing it's puffiness. WHAT? In Susan's hierarchy of needs a puffy armrest doesn't even make the list. Two weeks later I call to check on this order. Suddenly I'm informed, 40 days later, that I hadn't met my deductible and owe $1000+. WHAT? The lady couldn't give me a definitive answer, she gave me three dollar amounts and I said I'd let her know. I called my provider who still couldn't confirm anything and then said my company may be out of network WHAT? I never had this issue before. She said she'd look into it (2 weeks later still no answer)so I called the insurance back. I explained exactly why I couldn't have NOT met my deductible. Then I was told that my provider is out of network. I had a hard time believing that too but started looking into other providers and made an appointment. Suddenly, my provider called and said I was completely right. I paid the $339 and made an appointment for equipment installation. Can't urge people with disabilities enough to not take insurance CSR's at their word. Make them prove their claims.

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