Sunday, August 12, 2018

Think positive only

A person can not have two opposing thoughts at the same time so why not keep the positive one and build on it. Turkey Hill has a form to complete and submit regarding requests from non-profit organizations. It is straight forward but it asks where the event will be held. The retreat will be in Juniata County and there are not Turkey Hills stores there. The company is more likely to help events that are local and have their stores on their streets so it was doubtful that they would help. I read a few big fundraisers they did for veterans so I new they were receptive to the population. I figured it wouldn't hurt to call and set up a meeting explaining why a form was not submitted. The lady said they do help groups who are not local. I explained that we are but the event is not in Lancaster then I thanked her for their veteran's fundraisers. I gave her my pitch and she asked how many people will be involved and I said 100. She didn't miss a beat stating that she would donate 6 cases, which will total 144 bottles, to us and let her know which Lancaster store the order should be sent. Boy, am I glad to have pushed the negative though aside.

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