Thursday, December 18, 2014

Workout and weight loss on wheels - balance

Balance is an important concept in most of life. You want to balance your professional and personal life. You want to balance your check book. So now let's look at energy balance. That is the amount of calories the body burns versus the amount of calories the body gets. The body breaks down calories from proteins into amino acids that are used in chemical reactions, communication between cells, or moving molecules. The body breaks down calories from carbohydrates into glucose that enters cells through the circulatory system and some excess is stored in the liver. The body breaks down calories from fat into fatty acids, which can travel in the blood and be captured by hungry cells. Excess are called triglycerides and stored in fat cells, which have unlimited capacity. The good news is that energy is food can't be stored just replenished, and therefore we must continually eat. The bad news is fat cells have an unlimited storage capacity so the excess really builds up. Most Americans consume 500 - 700 extra calories per day.

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