Friday, December 5, 2014

Workout and weight loss on wheels- proteins and carbohydrates

Let's explore protein and carbohydrates. Protein you should eat 2-3 servings daily. It's the base of about half of our cells, including muscle, skin, hair and nails. This substance is in such as chicken, beef, lamb, fish, beans, nuts, and more. Upon swallowing (digestion)they release amino acid. Once inside the body, they make new proteins like enzymes and hormones. Sometimes they are used as an energy source. It shouldn't be hard to find ones that taste good for you. 60% of your food should be from carbohydrates. Also known as starches, you should eat 6-11 servings daily. Carbs contribute to your energy, some more than others, but the majority become glucose. The brain totally depends on this to function. They can also protect you from diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Fruits, milk, vegetables and whole grains contain carbohydrates. They can be broken down into complex and simple. Complex carbs are whole-grain foods, beans, oatmeal, nuts and seeds, brown rice, popcorn and most vegetables, they are full of fiber. Simple carbohydrates are less healthy but reach your body quicker. Ideally these food should be eaten at lunch not dinner.

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