Monday, November 24, 2014

Workout and weight loss on wheels- meal planning

I find myself looking at food and thinking about meal planning a bit differently. I seem to be conscious of whether it's a carbohydrate, fat, or protein; try to make sure that I include a vegetable; and decrease my sugar and salt intakes. When a person reaches for an extra "white" I am reminded of what I read. One book I read is tiled "The Lean" and explains that a successful weight loss program is when you change only one thing a day. You are supposed to be leaning into your new food changes. One thing that will be a big change for me is the introduction of smoothies on a daily basis. As a person with who has a physical disability, I am always conscious of how often I would have to go to the restroom if I drink a lot, so I am not a fan of taking in extra liquid on a regular basis. However, it makes a lot of sense to drink water before meals and smoothies to ensure one is getting all the nutrients required. Actually it's good exercise to visit the restroom since I must move and lift my body on and off the toilet. In the name of health I will make that change.

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