Friday, November 28, 2014

Workout and weight loss on wheels - smoothies

Including a healthy smoothies n your diet help with your weight loss goal. I spent hours sifting through drinks in order to choose those that have minimal ingredients and would do the most good for my body. Committed dieters require you to count calories so that 35-50% of your daily is fiber- fruits and vegetable daily. That is difficult through solid foods, but a vegetable smoothies ensures that you reach that fiber goal. Smoothies give you extra energy as you proceed through the day since the foods are not empty calories (as in chips and candy bars). Eating a smoothie will help you lose the weight; you feel full therefore you eat less. The ingredients are very nutritious so your immune system will be given a boost, heart rate will improve, other organs will be given a new lease on life. Fiber has never tasted better because sweet items such as honey and mango are combined with kale and beans. Busy people often skip breakfast but if you have a smoothie then you have the first meal of the day.

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