Saturday, June 3, 2017


I'm trying to get a hotel in Denver for my trip in late August. My reasonable accommodation is for the top mattress to be removed so I can make a somewhat even transfer on to the box spring (which has the blanket and sheet on top), People try to tell me that taking off the mattress is illegal. Actually NOT taking off the top mattress and refusing a reasonable accommodation is illegal. I found a place but it's unacceptable to the people I'm visiting. Why? It's in a seedy area and too far from the person's home. We are going half way across America to the person's city, I say we're more then meeting them half way. What's interesting is how a person without a disability thinks. Wouldn't finding an acceptable bed situation trump distance? The person's home is cluttered with furniture for my wheelchair and I won't be able to go to the bathroom there. Why would location to the house be that be the criteria for my choice? Then I'm told not to worry cause we have four months yet. Spoken like a true non-disabled person; I wish this issue could just be left to me.

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