Saturday, January 10, 2015

Workout and weight loss on wheels- metabolism

The metabolic process is how your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Even though your body still performs the same tasks (breathing, circulating blood, adjusting hormone levels, growing/ repairing cells etc.) calories needed are fewer. Therefore, if you continue eating the same amount and type of foods you will gain excessive fat. Move more- Aerobic exercise should be done regularly. This means walking, bicycling and swimming for at lease 30 minutes a day. Strength training such as lifting weights help to counteract muscle loss. Any extra movement helps burn calories so think of ways to walk and move around a few minutes more each day than the day before. For example, take the stairs more often; park farther away from the store, wash your car, so housework or garden. Change your diet- Don't drink orange juice but do eat yogurt and fruit; don't drink regular soda but doe eat a banana; don't eat deli meat sandwiches but do eat vegetable stir fry; don't eat potato chips but do eat almonds; don't eat steak but do eat but do drink water; don't eat ice cream but do eat brown rice and sushi.

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