Thursday, January 8, 2015

Workout and weight loss on wheels- age and size

We've all heard of the "recommended daily allowance" with connection to how much of a food we should eat. What does that really mean and how much is a serving? Keep in mind that serving size varies based on age (30-19 and 31-50) and amount of daily exercise 30 minutes. The meat group includes eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, and soy. Here are the results: Fruit group for Women 2 cups, 1 1/2 cups; Fruit group for Men 2 cups, 2 cups Vegetable group for Women 2 cups, 2 cups; Vegetable group for Men 3 cups, 3 cups; Meat group for women 5 1/2 ounces, 5 ounces Meat group for men 6 1/2 ounces, 6 ounces; Milk group for Women 3 cups, 3 cups; Dairy group for men 3 cups, 3 cups Grain group for women 6 ounces,6 ounces; Grain group for men 8 ounces, 7 ounces. To receive a chart on this information contact

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