Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Workout and weight loss on wheels-a rainbow of colors and tastes

The colors associated with fruits and vegetables each offer valuable nutrients and vitamins for the body. Red pigment in apples and tomatoes `protect our body's cells from damage and reduces the risk of cancers. Theyellow/orange pigment helps form and maintain teeth, tissue, membrane, vision, and skin. The green pigment reduces risk of eye disease, heart disease, and diabetes. The blue pigment helps reduce heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Other tidbits include: foods that are bought frozen are good for you as long as they are not filled with additives; low-fat foods are not better for you since they just replace fat with sugar which is very fattening; and fruits with a lower glycemic index are better since they break food down to sugars slower (if this happens too quickly too much insulin is released and it becomes fat.

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