Sunday, December 28, 2014

Workout and weight loss on wheels- the thyroid

The thyroid gland, which is above the Adam's apple, produces a hormone which regulates body temperature, metabolism, and heartbeat. Numerous things can go wrong which will effect, metabolism and weight. An underactive thyroid may result in fatigue and depression while an overactive thyroid may result in anxiety and jitteriness. Hyperthyroidism is likely to make you feel more hungry. Foods such as berries help due to their antioxidant content that keeps your immune system strong. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage help decrease the amount of thyroid hormone. Protein in meats or poultry will also help balance your weight due to hyperthyroidism. If the problem hasn't been detected bones will be effected. Therefore, dairy and fish are crucial foods to help thyroid problems. If the issue is hypothyroidism, the thyroid slows down and metabolism decreases. In this case weight is gained food intake should include milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables, fish, potatoes, etc. . .

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